We are pleased to announce that SoundPLANessential 5.1 has been released, and more great news, for SoundPLANessential 5.0 users, it’s free of charge!

The main highlights of SoundPLANessential 5.1 include:

  • Now compatible with NoizCalc (d&b audiotechnik);
  • The adaptation of Building Acoustics to new versions of the DIN ISO 12345-3:2017 standard.

All changes, new features and improvements are described in detail in the SoundPLANessential 5.1 release notes.

The high value option

Essential 5.1 is our increasingly popular, high value option for those users that want maximum processing power, but don’t mind compromising on some of the flexibility that its sister software provides. Essential combines the legendary SoundPLAN calculation core with a simple data input editor that has no artificial limitation on job size, is very intuitive to use, and provides striking results in a very short time. Essential includes road, rail and industrial source types and can include noise barriers for assessment of remedial measures.

Projects that do not require the same complexity as is being offered in the full-strength noise planning software products such as Noise 8.2 can be handled with Essential.

If you purchase Essential and then later decide to upgrade to Version 9.0, we will deduct the full price you paid for Essential from the price of Version 9.0, so long as it is the latest version (and of course you still get to keep your copy of Essential!).

Anyone wishing to upgrade to Essential 5.1 from earlier versions please do not hesitate to contact the team for a quotation.

For SoundPLANessential 5.0 customers, it is free of charge! From within the software simply go to:
Help > Updates and Downloads
You can then install the new version by clicking the update link.

For Existing Users of earlier versions of SoundPLANessential
If you have an earlier version before SoundPLANessential 5.0, please get in touch with us for an upgrade quote as you will be entitled to a considerable discount!

For New Users
£2,524.50 + VAT
£2,945.25 + VAT (with Building Acoustics)

SoundPLANessential 5.1 is installed parallel to earlier SoundPLANessential versions, so you do not need to uninstall any previous versions.  Also note that earlier version projects can be automatically converted with ease to be used with SoundPLANessential 5.1.

Essential vs Version 8.2 capabilities

Features Noise 8.2 Essential 5
Unlimited Geo-files
Calculation of Digital Ground Model
Calculation of Road, Rail and Industry noise and noise from Parking Lots
Source Library
Multi-core calculation
Distributed Computing – calculation with multiple PCs in a network
Single Frequencies, Octave and Third Octave Bands
Hourly Time History
Coordinate and Attribute Data Import
Indoor Noise Calculations
Calculation of Room Acoustics
Single Receiver Calculation
Noise Contour Maps
Cross Sectional Noise Maps
Cartography Enhancements
3D Solid View of Model
3D Model Outputs and Animations
Aircraft noise